” . . . Are you saying that nobody in New York will work with me?”

Michael Dorsey is a struggling character actor, who finally lands a serious acting job, but one in which he is disguised as a woman; a gig that complicates his life.

His Sun is in Gemini, the Moon is in Sagittarius, and the Ascendant is in Pisces.

The Sun in Gemini accentuates the dualities within one’s psyche and life in general. One is extremely communicative, clever, and versatile, and adjusts to situations very quickly. Both men and women can be and are usually big flirts.

In addition to this Sun sign position, there is a Gemini Stellium in the 4th house that stresses this restless sign’s qualities within the character’s psychological disposition and personal unconscious (4th house): The man simply has an inner need for variety and constant change which are strongly ingrained qualities in his personality. Mercury in Gemini further highlights Gemini’s characteristics through its strong position in the sign that it rules (dignified), while Uranus conjunct Mercury points to unusual, unconventional, and original ideas, as well as to more mental restlessness. This planetary combination additionally corresponds to nervousness, but also to quickness of the mind and brilliant thoughts.

The Moon in Sagittarius is manifested in one’s idealistic, truth-seeking, self-righteous, and opinionated emotional expressions. One is very inspiring, so teaching is one main outlet through which the native can share his inspiration with others. (Michael does so by teaching his friends acting techniques.) Sagittarius also points to international elements, legal, and/or of the publishing kind. (Michael expresses his deep interest in sharing his newfound feminine feelings with women at one point in the midst of his popularity as Dorothy Michaels. This could certainly have been manifested after his dramatic exit from the show, as could a possible lawsuit from the network.) This sign position, like those of the Sun’s and the other Gemini planets, is mutable and as such, adds to the already restless soul of one who desires constant change in his life.

The Moon in the 10th house reflects a native whose sense of emotional security is connected to his profession and status in the world and may suggest fame at some point in the life (or infamy, depending on the aspects involved). The native may have an instinctual connection to the general public and/or the need to nurture it in some way. (“I feel like I have something meaningful to say to women.”) Also, Women may play a central role in one’s life and the way he approaches his professional goals (acting as Dorothy Michaels).

The Moon, ruler of the 5th, in the 10th points to the expression of one’s creative urges toward and in the career and the world at large. This is reiterated by Jupiter, the ruler of the MC (and other planets in the 10th), in the 5th house. In Leo, this creative drive definitely stresses the profession of acting (drama, the stage, the spotlight), among other things

Pisces Rising represents a chameleon-like persona one puts out in the world. The movie’s opening sequence, which shows Michael’s performance as a variety of characters, including his putting on makeup and dressing-up, is an exact manifestation of this sign’s placement on the ASC.

It must be noted that the combined energies of Gemini (versatility, changeability) and Pisces (make believe, fantasy, illusion, imagination) in this horoscope only assist the native in his abilities as a character actor and in switching back and forth (Michael/Dorothy); the relative ease in pretending to be someone he is not. And the over-abundance of Mutability (70% of planetary sign positions, as well as the ASC and MC) certainly doesn’t hurt either (in this regard, at least).

In addition, there are two standouts in this chart that must be discussed:

  1. A Mutable T-Square (which includes Saturn in the 10th house)
  2. A Yod

A T-Square is a very dynamic and motivating configuration that is formed between (at least) three planets; two (or more) in opposition to one another and one (or more) in a square aspect to the others, which creates a T-Shaped pattern in the chart. All the planets in this configuration are of the same modality (Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable), which emphasizes its characteristics within the native’s individuality and in the life. Since the opposition and the square aspects are considered conflicting and challenging, their effects urge one to constantly act while being pulled in all three directions. Since the nature of an opposition is to reach common ground, this aspect is considered to be the ‘easier’ one to handle in this pattern, while the squares of the Apex planet with the other two present the real challenge: The focus is on this planet.

These squares are uncomfortable, frustrating and tense-inducing aspects that push one to act. The Apex planet that creates the squares is the most prominent one in this pattern by its acting as the most antagonistic and pressuring factor, and as such, can be highly expressed within the native’s personality through its sign, as well as the area of life that is represented by the house in which it is placed. This is the planet that leads, pushes, and provides the motivation one needs to accomplish something. Generally, this is a pattern that represents an imbalance (like a three-legged table) within one’s psyche and in the environment that he constantly tries to resolve. This type of imbalance is expressed through the modality in which the planets are positioned: Here, the modality is Mutability.

A Mutable T-Square is very flexible and adaptable in its expression and one easily shifts between one situation to another. However, since the Mutable signs are mental in their nature, one can be extremely restless and very mobile, and find that he has to juggle too many things in life at the same time; hence, be very unfocused, inconsistent, and scattered.

In order to understand any T-Square, it first needs to be broken down. Here, the T-Square is made of the opposition between the Sun in Gemini in the 4th and Saturn in Sagittarius in the 10th, which are both squared by the Apex Planet, Mars in Pisces in the 12thSaturn opposite Sun points to one’s sense of creative oppression that he feels are caused by authority figures, and to ongoing testing by outside forces; simply feeling like everyone is against him. This is a very difficult aspect that reflects an individual, who feels like he really has to fight hard in order to be able to fully express his creative abilities, whether in acting as the case is here or in any other field in life. Delayed achievements are usually advised, as are a sense of inferiority, at least in one’s younger days. Saturn in the 10th house points to great ambition, but additionally expresses a frustrated climb toward the attainment of achievements and success, which are often manifested later in the life after much hard work. One simply feels that he is met by too many obstacles and tests on his way to the top.

Sun square Mars advises of a strong urge to act. Overdoing is common, as are a tendency for impulsive action, competitiveness, and a boundless argumentative spirit. (This aspect may produce the not-so-pleasant characteristics of Aries.) Saturn square Mars reflects a conflicting expression between the action principle and an inhibiting force. This is quite a harsh aspect, too, which is often manifested in “go-stop” movements in the life. This aspect does not help, but rather adds to the already existing frustrations to which Saturn in the 10th and Saturn opposite Sun point.

Mars in the 12th house may hint to secretive actions and even some form of camouflaged, suppressed masculinity, as it is manifested here. (Interestingly, the part that Michael lands is set at a hospital, which is represented by the 12th house of the zodiac.)

Even though Jupiter is not an active part of this T-Square, it trines one of its legs – Saturn – and sextiles the other – the Sun – and by that adds enthusiasm, a creative spirit, and a sense of idealism to the expressions of this configuration in the life of the native. Jupiter also represents one’s children, actual and/or of the creative type when placed in the 5th house, and here it is manifested as Dorothy Michaels.

When the empty spot opposite the Apex of the T-Square is activated by a Progressed and/or a Transiting Planet/Angle, the imbalance is activated and challenged even more by the temporary creation of a cross configuration in the chart. This stabilizes the T-Square, but also adds another layer of complication, as now this forth placement creates an additional opposition and two squares that add to the pieces of the original pattern. (More on that later)

Although Jupiter is not extremely visible in this chart at first, being in the succedent 5th house, a closer examination reveals that it makes for the Apex of a Yod. A Yod is a configuration that is formed between two (or more) planets in a sextile aspect that are both quincunx a third planet, ideally in their midpoint and in an orb no wider than two degrees. Here, Neptune is sextile Mars and both Quincunx Jupiter in Leo in the 5th. A Yod is considered to pinpoint an unusual destiny by some astrologers, while others treat it as a configuration of secondary importance. I belong to the former group and do pay attention to natal Yods, as well as to those that are formed by transits and/or progressions.

Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces which happens to rise in this chart. Therefore, it is the co-ruler of Michael’s horoscope and has a say in his life direction and the way he presents himself on a personal level. Although it is not placed in a Cardinal house, it is positioned in Leo and in the natural house of Leo, doubly emphasizing a creative self-expression of any sort. However, considering the fact the the natural ruler of Leo and the 5th house, the Sun, is being challenged here by Saturn, Jupiter’s expression will be interesting to observe.

Jupiter’s position in a sign of its triplicity, Leo, a Fire sign, must be noted and considered in its strong effect on the man’s life. This placement certainly adds charisma, expressive qualities and expansiveness to one’s creative forces, but also the desire to be center stage (literally as in acting), as well as attracting drama to the life. Over-idealism, excessive optimism, speculative and risk-taking actions are also common. Since Jupiter also rules the Moon in Sagittarius in this nativity, its expressions in the life will always be connected to the native’s needs and instinctual reactions to situations. And Jupiter’s almost exact sextile to the Sun adds even more Sagittarian/Jupiterian qualities to his identity: The man is practically an honorary Sagittarius with all its qualities; positive and no-so-much.

Jupiter Quincunx Neptune is not a flowing, harmonious aspect, but rather one that reflects adjustments that must be made in the life. This is an extremely impractical planetary combination, especially with hard aspects. Since Neptune is also the ruler of the ASC, these two planets’ difficult relationship with one another points to an adjustment of the façade that the native feels he must put out in the world. Confusion, big fantasies, delusions, and even immoral actions may be manifested by the native. And here, self-sacrifice of the identity and escaping reality in a dramatic way are two manifestations with which Michael asserts this aspect during this period in his life. And since Neptune is placed in the 10th and Jupiter rules the 10th, it is made clear that these effects are related to the man’s profession and/or his reputation. Jupiter Quincunx Mars expresses one who acts on his own beliefs and truths. Any contact between these two planets certainly points to an enthusiastic fighter and an adventurous person, but also to one who can get carried away with his actions, believing he is simply invincible. As with any hard aspect to Mars (which are in abundance here), this Mars-Jupiter contact certainly adds a tendency to act impulsively. But Mars sextile Neptune easily provides Michael with the ability to perform as an imaginary character, as he does so effortlessly in his acting profession. 

By putting all three aspects in this Yod together, it is implied that Michael, who has a talent to use his imagination and act upon it, does so (at this point in his life) mainly to prove a point. (“No one will hire you!. . .“ “Oh, yeah?“) He takes a tremendous creative – yet impractical – risk, by hiding his masculinity and pretending to be someone he is not on the account of his own personal identity. As a side note, this Yod, with the involvement of Jupiter, Neptune and Pisces, could have easily been expressed through religious elements in the life of the native, whether in childhood and/or adulthood. This configuration is too spiritual (and adds to the prominent Sagittarius positions) not to be considered as such.

An additional Point: 

Although Michael’s unusual approach to his new role is a big secret, there are two individuals with whom he confides and to whom he reveals his action: Jeff Slater, his roommate, and George Fields, his agent. These two are represented by Mercury, the ruler of the 7th house in Michael’s chart, which is also conjunct Venus, the natural ruler of the 7th. (Both planets are part of a stellium, and therefore the wide conjunction is considered.) This planetary conjunction emphasizes Libran/7th house qualities within the man’s personality, while its placement in the 4th reveals that the native gains his emotional security through one-on-one relationships. This type of relationship is not only reflected by one’s marital status, but also through any individual with whom the native comes in contact on a one-on-one basis. 

Some Transits and Progressions: 

This period in Michael’s life is quite active, which is most certainly expressed by the Transits and Progressions (Secondary and Solar Arc Directed, or SAD) that are formed to and in his natal chart at the time. But before exploring those, Michael’s age needs to be determined. Although he celebrates his birthday in the film, his actual age is not verbalized. The script, however, notates that he “is an actor. 40 years old.”

Secondary Progressed Planets move in an individualized pace based on the nature of the specific planet. So do Transiting Planets. SAD Planets, however, move one degree per year. So at age 40, the whole chart would be 40 degrees ahead in the zodiac based on its starting point.

SAD Sun, now at 12° Cancer, is entering the natal 5th house and by that emphasizing this domain’s nature in any form; in this case, through a risk-taking activity and the opening-up to love. Additionally, SAD Venus is now at 1° Leo and is conjunct natal Jupiter, which reflects Michael’s falling in love, but also adds feminine qualities to the life/persona through Venus’ activation of the natal Yod with Jupiter as its Apex. And SAD Pluto has advanced to 2° Virgo, activating the natal T-Square and reflecting some balance through a routine job (in Virgo and the 6th house; at a Daytime Soap Opera), but also an eventual loss of control over his own actions, as well as a destruction of all his life’s work thus far.

The progressed Moon, now at the age of 40, is placed in the opposite sign of its natal position; in this case in Geminiemphasizing the dual nature within the man’s personality, as well as issues with feminine energy that surround him at this time.

Transiting Jupiter, which is moving through the middle degrees of Capricorn in the 11th house (approximately a sign before it forms an opposition to its natal position between the ages of 41-42), is forming an inconjunct to Mercury-Uranus and by that highlights an unusual idea that’s connected to the man’s personal convictions and self-righteous qualities with elements of sacrifice (inconjunct). Transiting Jupiter is also approaching an inconjunct to natal Venus and an opposition to natal Pluto in the 5th, pointing to adjustments in the love life/with women/in regards to feminine energies, as well as to complicated love affairs (Pluto in the 5th)Transiting Jupiter has recently entered the SAD 10th house (SAD MC is now at 10° Capricorn), and by that it is emphasizing career and public-standing, but also revealing a professional opportunity, expansion, and advancements: He finally lands a lucrative job as an actor.

Transiting Saturn, a few degrees further away from its opening trine to its natal position – here in Aries and in the 1st – is squaring SAD MC-transiting Jupiter from around 10° Aries, as well as the SAD Sun at 12° Cancer. This transit creates a temporary T-Square, in which transiting Saturn is the apex planet that explains his agent’s statement to him – “No one will hire you!” – that essentially pushes Michael to act in a grandiose way to prove a point (transiting Jupiter opposite SAD Sun).

Transiting Neptune is crossing Michael’s Natal ASC at the end degrees of Pisces (approaching the Neptune square Neptune Cycle which will commence in approximately two years), which adds another screen of fog, totally fades his personal expression in the world, and enables the man to personify himself any way he wants, now, as a woman, also shown by transiting Neptune square N. Moon.

Transiting Uranus is also approaching its opposition to its natal placement in about two years (Uranus Opposition Cycle), which at this time in the man’s life places Uranus at the end degrees of Scorpio, trining transiting Neptune and natal ASC. This transit frees Michael to express his personality in unique and unconventional ways by changing his appearance, among other things, and breaking away from past restraints.


“Rulers of the Horoscope” – Alan Oken

“Aspects in Astrology” – Sue Thomkins

“Larousse Encyclopedia of Astrology”


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