“This is my house. I have to defend it.”
Kevin McCallister is an 8-year-old boy who finds himself home alone, having to protect his house from two burglars during Christmastime. (This is followed by the next Christmas, when he must protect himself in NYC from the same culprits.)
His Sun is in Aquarius, the Moon is in Aries, and the Ascendant is in Cancer.
The Sun in Aquarius reflects an individualistic and rebellious person, who cherishes his independence and who finds it hard to conform to other people’s principles. One is highly intellectual, visionary, inventive, and quite detached emotionally. As an air sign, he is communicative, cerebral, and logical in his core and expresses his identity in objective, factual, and rational ways.
The Sun in the 8th house provides one with powers of transformation over oneself and/or others (as reflected in Kevin’s relationships with old man Marley and Pigeon Lady), as well as with access to other people’s resources, whether physical and/or psychological. Here, Kevin uses his brother’s possessions, father’s credit card, and uncle’s townhouse to be able to execute his ingenious plans in manipulating the bad guys. This house placement also reflects constant crises (losses and new beginnings – physical and/or emotional) in the life of the native.
Cancer Rising exposes personal and emotionally-based attitudes to the environment. It also points to the centralization of one’s family, domestic life, and emotional security in many forms throughout one’s lifetime. This ASC., which is placed in the Water Element, takes away some of the detached qualities of Kevin’s Sun and other planets in Air and makes for a native who is subjective when in contact with his surroundings.
As the Ruler of the Chart, the Moon in Aries modifies the natural characteristics of the sign of Cancer, and points to an individualistic, highly independent, and a self-starting person with lone-ranger tendencies. Aries is not a comfortable sign for this luminary to occupy. Here, it is forceful and egotistical, and tells of one who can say or do things in the heat of the moment, while all the Moon in its natural domain of Cancer desires is to nurture, be nurtured, and feel emotionally secure. The Moon in Aries intensifies Kevin’s need to express himself without inhibitions in leading, impulsive, and direct manners and is focused on the emotional gratification of the self. A need for action and a desire to take the initiative are ingrained qualities within the personality, as is a militant spirit; attributes that ultimately motivate the brave boy to fight his nemeses with much ardor. In addition to Mars’ opposition to the Sun, this passionate Moon’s sign position makes for a heated, hot-tempered, argumentative, and aggressive individual, who must learn to keep his calm in life.
As a side note, the Moon has separated from aspecting all other planets and now, at 26 degrees, it stands alone. This, in Mundane Astrology, is referred to as a Void of Course Moon; an effect that signifies that nothing will come-out of any matter initiated during this time or for this time. However, this rule does not apply in Humanistic Astrology. It may simply indicate that the sign in which the Moon is positioned (or any other planet not in an approaching aspect with all other planets in the chart for that matter) is more intensified within the personality.
In addition, there are two standouts in this chart that must be addressed:
- Elemental Distribution – Lack of Earth
- Air Grand Trine and Kite
Most of the planets in this nativity are placed in the Air and Fire elements (nine out of ten; Jupiter is a Singleton by element, in Water – Scorpio), which makes for an individual who is generally very lively, positive, funny, and restless in temperament. (Those characteristics are extremely different than the gloomy, pessimistic, introverted, reserved, and cautious dispositions that would be advised by a preponderance of the other two elements, Earth and Water.)
But since Cancer is rising, Kevin’s undoubted moodiness is due to be expressed in his personality, which certainly takes away from the extroverted, Yang expression from time to time. (At the beginning of the film, Kevin is presented as a happy, restless, and lively boy. This all turns minutes later, when his mood suddenly changes and the argument with his mother ensues.) Uranus in the 4th house (Cancer’s natural house) and the Rising point’s approaching square to it (in the sign of Cancer) additionally expresses emotional unpredictability, instability, and irritability, as well as disturbances at the home-front.
However, the lack of Earth in this nativity is assisted by the tight Sun sextile Saturn aspect, which is expressed in one’s authoritative spirit, a mature approach to life, and a developed sense of duty and responsibility. (“This is my house. I have to defend it.”) This aspect also reflects a focused personality and ease in taking care of oneself in day-to-day affairs. (Laundry, food-shopping, cooking) The lack of Earth, which generally reflects impracticality, irresponsibility, and immaturity surrounding everyday matters is rather diminished by this Sun-Saturn aspect, especially since it is almost exact.
An Air Grand Trine is formed here with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and all three outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – while Mars is opposite the Sun-Mercury-Venus Stellium. This opposition forms a Kite that activates the potential that exists within the Grand Trine.
In its essence, the Grand Trine – three or more planets and/or points in one element that are in trine aspect with one another – does not have an outlet through which its smooth energy (in this case, objective, communicative, inventive – Air) can be released. The energy flows within a closed-circuit and basically just exists within the personality. However, an opposition of at least one planet to one of the planets in the Grand Trine configuration creates a focal point that enables the native to use his given talent externally. In our case, the boy’s mental genius and inventiveness are externalized by the focal planet, Mars, that forces him to solve the problem at hand and use the talent with which he is blessed in this otherwise inactive configuration, with a fighting spirit.
Kevin’s chart is so busy with other positions and placements that they must be broken down in order to understand the native better:
Saturn in the 10th house accentuates duties, authority figures and/or holding a role of authority, among many other things. Although this placement seems to challenge one in reaching his highest professional ambition and hints to slow progress, generally success is eventually reached in life, very possibly at a later age. In Kevin’s case, regardless of his unknown professional goals due to his young age (I sense a highly-ranked military man 🙂 ), his attempts in getting the recognition that he wants from his family are definitely manifestations of this planetary placement. He eventually reaches this objective, but only after experiencing emotional trials and tribulations. However, Saturn’s soft aspects with most of the planets in this horoscope (quite an unusual occurrence), contribute to a lifelong assistance from and respect toward older people and/or authorities, a developed sense of responsibility, and an innate sense of maturity from a very young age.
In general, Kevin is a highly cerebral individual (Aquarius Sun, Mercury, and Venus, Sun-Mercury conjunction, Air Grand Trine). But he is also an emotional and volatile person, who gets overly excited as soon as something or someone undermines him. He is his own person (Aquarius and Aries), who at the same time needs his family around in order to feel emotionally safe and secure (Cancer Rising). This theme of attachment vs. detachment, or emotional security vs. freedom (Cancer and Aquarius, respectively) is one major factor in the boy’s character that is sure to challenge him throughout his life. Additionally, the strong combination of the Scorpionic (8th house Stellium, Plutonian aspects with most of the personal planets) and Arian energies (Moon in Aries, Mars oppositions) in his horoscope may contribute to his sadistic inclination. After all, his booby-traps are pretty dangerous, painful, and even deadly.
Digging even deeper into Kevin’s horoscope shows that the Sun is very integrated. This is illustrated by the many aspects it forms with the other planets and manifested in the child’s strong urge to be noticed and acknowledged by others, or simply to shine.
Sun conjunct Mercury highlights the boy’s communicative abilities and cerebral strength (also indicated by the Aquarian stellium, other planetary positions in Air signs, and Mercury’s many aspects). But this conjunction also combines the will to be and the mind into one unit, and by that stresses subjectivity in the native’s communication style, since Mercury’s neutral nature is now combined with the ego: ‘Who I am’ and ‘what I think’ are merged. But although Mercury is placed in Aquarius, the Sun’s sign, which can make the native’s mental process one-sided and attached to the ego, it must be pointed-out that it is also sextile Saturn, trine its ruler, Uranus, and trine Neptune. As such, Mercury in this horoscope is gifted with the more positive qualities (reflected by the soft aspects) of the signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces; practicality, inventiveness, and imagination, respectively.
Sun conjunct Venus is expressed in Kevin’s charming, sociable, and friendly disposition. On the other hand, Sun opposite Mars reflects an irritable individual and indicates violence, anger, and aggression that exist within one’s personality and/or that come from others, mainly men (Sun): Finding oneself in confrontational situations can be expected when the Sun and Mars are in a hard aspect with one another.
Sun trine Uranus (highlights the Sun in Aquarius) reflects a unique and innovative individual, who is usually inclined to technical, scientific and intellectual fields. It must be noted that the Sun’s sign is expressed more positively here due to this soft aspect to it’s ruler. This is also true with Mercury and Venus in this horoscope. Actually, Venus and Uranus are also in a Mutual Reception; a complimentary relationship that merges both planetary energies with their natal signs, as each planet is positioned in the other’s sign. (In the natural zodiac, Venus rules Libra and Uranus rules Aquarius.) Here, this again, stresses the financial comfort and others’ resources at the native’s disposal. It would also not be surprising if the boy would feel comfortable in later years to be involved in long distance relationships, and/or with unusual and/or foreign partners, and/or even in open relationships. As a side note, most Astrologers, myself included, may tend to use a tighter orb than the 7-degree orb here (Sun-Uranus), especially when the faster-moving planet is separating from the aspect. However, I consider even a wider orb between two planets that are connected by rulership to one another, as the case is here. The involvement of Uranus with most of the planets in this chart highly emphasizes this planet and the Aquarius Sun’s characteristics. Those would have been expressed to a much lesser degree if the Sun were positioned in another sign and not in the one that is ruled by Uranus.
Sun trine Neptune points to an inspired, musical, creative, and imaginative individual. But deceit, fantasy, and confusion in the environment and/or personality can also exist. Sun trine Pluto is quite an intense aspect that helps one regenerate quite quickly, whether physically and/or psychologically. It draws one to seek power in life and over others and may imply of a manipulative nature. Similar to the Sun in the 8th house (both have Scorpionic elements: Pluto rules Scorpio, and the 8th is Scorpio’s natural domicile), it reflects a resourceful and powerful native, who is attracted to the dark and mysterious aspects in life, and who is not afraid to confront and unveil them. (Even the boy’s choice of watching the gangster movie “Angels with Filthy Souls” is a reflection of this general Plutonian theme within his personality. Gangsters are ruled by Pluto and Scorpio.) Like Mercury trine Pluto, this aspect is great for any research and analytical projects, as one is inclined to penetrate and go deep into any matter. Psychology, for example, as a course of study or profession should be very appealing to natives with this Scorpionic nature.
It must be stressed that Kevin’s Sun is involved in aspects with all three outer planets – Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This rather uncommon astrological effect connects the native’s life purpose to the collective in some way, reflects a universal transformation of the ego, and urges one to submit himself to a bigger force than he is in order to grow on a spiritual level and change the world somehow. Although the events in the two films do not really reflect spiritual or universal developments that have to do with the world at large, the boy does save society from the two rascals after all. One can only guess how this native would have affected society in the future if he were a real person. Additionally, the Moon is elevated in this chart in the 10th, which not only connects one’s emotional security to his chosen profession, but may certainly indicate fame and notoriety in the life, especially with the aforementioned Sun-outer planets’ aspects. Also, the Moon’s rulership of the 1st and placement in the 10th brings the identity to the public in some way, whether the native likes it or not.
Mercury in the 8th house as well as Mercury trine Pluto add an orientation to research and investigation of all that is hidden and mysterious. It also corresponds with one’s communicative ways that often affect others on deep and psychological levels and help them bring changes into their lives. (This is reflected in Kevin’s relationships with old man Marley and Pigeon Lady.) Mercury conjunct Venus is expressed in an agreeable and friendly individual, who can charm his way with words (as with the cashier, Old Man Marley, Pigeon Lady, toy-store owner), while Mercury opposite Mars points to a combative, argumentative, and impatient communicator (as in the argument with his mom; his Scorpionic nature adds a caustic expression, too: “I hope I never see any of you jerks again!”) Mercury sextile Saturn reflects one who is methodical and practical, and who possesses developed common sense and organizational skills. This aspect surely complements the clever ideas with which this Aquarian is gifted and assists in executing them in order and according to a precise plan.
Mars trine Saturn benefits one with a sense of purpose. It adds structure, discipline and common sense to one’s actions and enables him to practice patience when necessary. This aspect can do wonders in controlling the impatience in the boy’s personality as he matures, and assist him in dealing with his shortcomings once he is aware of them. (This aspect, in addition to the Sun-Saturn sextile, also helps in mitigating the lack of Earth in the boy’s nature.) Mars sextile Uranus greatly stresses the boy’s high energy level, willfulness, and independent spirit, as well as his unusual and inventive ways of action: He could have just called the police from the start and not go through the elaborate undertaking that he chooses to follow, but rather decides to channel the energy that is produced from this aspect instead. Mars sextile Neptune strongly emphasizes creativity in the personality and combines direct action with inspiration. Mars sextile Pluto indicates a highly courageous individual and benefits the native with abundant resourceful energy and strong leadership abilities. One is absolutely fearless.
Jupiter in the 4th house indicates a well-to-do family and/or coming from a large clan. It can also be manifested in an international familial background, and/or in living abroad at some point in life. Jupiter trine ASC promises luck (saved by Old Man Marley and Pigeon Lady) and abundant optimism (seeing the glass half full even when he finds himself in an uncomfortable and threatening situation: “I made my family disappear.” 😉 ). Jupiter, the only planet in Water – a Singleton – emphasizes all that this planet, sign, and house placement represent; here, luck and an adventurous spirit, as well as home, family, and emotional security.
Uranus trine Neptune aids Kevin in expressing his imagination in unusual and inventive ways, while Uranus trine Pluto allows him to use the sudden disturbances in his life to transform himself, his family, Old Man Marley, and Pigeon Lady on a psychological level. And Neptune conjunct Pluto combines the native’s compassion and sensitivity to others with psychological awareness and powers of transformation. However, in the 12th house, they also represent Kevin’s deceitful and manipulative hidden enemies, Harry and Marv.
Kevin’s need to take care of himself in the situation that is presented in the two movies is unusual for a young boy his age. But with a tremendously energetic Arian spirit, Plutonian/8th house crises-oriented elements, Saturn’s sobriety, an extremely sharp and inventive Aquarian mind, and some good old Jupiterian luck, he manages to overcome the hardships in which he finds himself and ultimately saves himself, his home . . . And the world.
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